

you smell like butt
congratulations. you are the “you smell like
butt” bunny. your brutally honest and
always say whats on your mind.

which happy bunny are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Yeah, this figures.


Elizabeth’s 28th

Last weekend the gang met a Buca’s to celebrate another year in the life of Misses E.
And if anyone has earned the right to party, well it’s probably misses E. She quietly tolerates our addiction to Warcraft, Melanie’s numerous conspiracies, Dean’s occasional murder sprees and, of course, my perfection.
Of course, Jimmy was there. He was flying solo and I forgot to ask where Ms. Maggie was on the evening in question but I would guess she was off somewhere doing the acting thing.
Ruth and Andy were there. Ruth and Elizabeth go way back…they met in college or in some Panama City “Sailor wanna hump-hump” bar. I don’t remember. I’ve heard them talking about their origins but I probably wasn’t paying attention.
Ruth and Andy have been dating for…I have no idea. A year or two? Anyway, he moved out here…Christmas? Maybe it was Thanksgiving. Doesn’t matter. What matters is that we all like Andy. And this is something of a big deal since I and my circle of friends tend not to like anything or anyone.
JP and Regina were there. JP’s an artiest. Fantasy art…at least for the most part. One of his paintings hangs over Dean’s fireplace. They are new to the California as JP’s now working in the video gaming industry.
And, of course, Mel and I were there as no party is truly complete unless we make an appearance.
Elizabeth presented us all with gift baskets. Her birthday but we all get gifts. As far as I’m concerned, it really is the best way to celebrate someone else’s birth.
This picture represents the “cool” side of the table.
We broke the Italian bread and the wine flowed.
We’ve known the Dean and Elizabeth since nineteen hundred and ninety six. We’re barking up ten years. Knowing them has made me want to be a better man.
Not really.
But yeah, you spend close to ten years with someone you get to know them pretty well. And over those years we’ve been fortunate…blessed even to see the many faces of Dean.
Of course, there’s Angry Dean.
And who could forget, Hairy Dean?
Bashful Dean.
And, of course, Sexy Dean.
And there are just as many faces for Comedy-Team Dean. But we won’t get into all of those. And no, there’s nothing wrong with the picture…Jimmy smeared chocolate on his lip. I am not privy to the reason or reasons why.
It was a fun evening…and I’m assuming at some point I took a picture of Misses E’s feet…although I have no clear recollection of doing so.
And as great as the party was, the following day Ms. Melanie and I paid the price with pounding hangovers. But no regrets. Tis but a part of life.
On the work front…busy busy busy. Meeting after meeting.
Last week, Goldstein and I met with Mike, the producer who brought him the “Grave’s End” book. We discussed the story and the plan is for me to now come up with the pitch. Time. Need more time.
Fox 21 passed on our little procedural but we still have our meeting with David Madden at Fox Studios. There are lots of Foxes it seems.
The Tiger Hill boys are wanting the film pitch for Psychopath. With Carpenter now on board everyone wants to move on this thing…yesterday. Have I mentioned time?
I dove back into Sleepers for F.J. and just finished the outline today. Will give it a read tomorrow and hopefully shoot it out sometime before noon.
I also finished Alien Pig Farm this morning and sent copies out to Tom and Steve. Chee had read the first draft and based on the pages has been creating assorted paintings. Amazing stuff. I love the artwork. The lighting and detail blow me away. In my opinion, which probably means little in the scheme of things, the art he’s sent for this project is way better than what he did for Dawn of the Dead. And this is art he’s throwing together quickly to give us an idea. Very excited about this project.
Dean asked me today if Tom plans on being in the film. Good question. I should ask. I also need to inquire about the Lions Gate deal. Has it wrapped? Is it still pending?
Over the weekend I made a pass through Narcosis. That outline was never really meant as a sharable outline. It was more a guideline for Patrick and me to use for our verbal pitch. So I gave it the old college try and turned it into something I’d be willing to let others read. Gonna send it to Tom and Steve at some point.
All has been quiet on the Necroscope front…which is a good thing as I really don’t have time to deal with it right now.
I’m sure there’s more but my dogs are barking and I’d much rather talk about Warcraft.
Dean hit sixty about 24 hours after I did and Mel hit sixty last night. That’s level 60. That’s it really…then end of the road. The best of the best.
Our little guild “The Stand” is thriving. We are extraordinarily picky. We have people wanting to join all the time but we always make an excuse. Eventually we’ll open the doors to a couple but they’ll have to earn it. Our guild has much the same complex as I do. Superiority. I suppose of all the complexes to have I’d rather have it though.
Ravane’s flown to Japan. So, we’ve lost our rogue for a time. Oh he still plays but the time difference may turn out to be a challenge. It’s 1:30 PM in Tokyo. This according to the Treo 650.
Of course, Braindead and/or Kyoushu are always filling to fill in as our rogue/rogues and as time goes by it looks like The Stand and Guilty as Sin may merge to some degree.
Why am I so tired?
Mel and I have decided to ask t.A.T.u. to marry us. Somehow I’ve a feeling this will result in my constantly sleeping on the couch. Just a hunch.
…okay…no more chit chat. My eyes are drooping.
I leave you with the immortal words of Melvin Udall, “People who talk in metaphors oughta shampoo my crotch.”


The Stand

So, John Carpenter is on board to direct the video game and film version of Psychopath. The game version of the story is done but I’m assuming he’ll have his own spin, which I have no problem with…considering his name will be at the top of the thing. As for the film version, I have a take in my head but am waiting for our sit down before putting anything on paper.
Clive Barker is attached to Demonik although there the paper work isn’t done. So, anything could happen.
In both situations I’m hoping Boesky will agent the project on my behalf. Boesky was one of my ICM agents but left to create his own management group late last year. He has a consultant deal with ICM now so I’m waiting on word whether or not he’ll take care of me.
Ravane, a friend of ours from the World of Warcraft, hit level 60.
We had a little party to celebrate his reaching the highest of levels in the Elfie city of Darnassas where we proceeded to drink and dance and strip as is nearly always the case. Braindead (the skeleton) from Guilty as Sin showed up. Kindrid (one of the naked Night Elves) from Goldshire. Vaygus, the little male gnome with the shockingly large man bubes. And the rest of the gang.
After leaving the Guardians of Goldshire last week we fielded offers to join numerous other guilds but in the end we formed “The Stand”. Named after the Stephen King book our tabard shows the pic of a dark tower on a blood red background. Those who have read the book will understand the tie between “The Stand” and “The Dark Tower” series.
Mike Goldstein and I had yet another successful pitch of our little serial killer procedural. Fox is clearly a front runner. But there has been lots of talk about ABC which I think is a great idea. I love the direction the network has been going and what they are missing is a solid one-hour procedural.
Goldstein also sent over a book that they are in the process of acquiring the rights. It’s a ghost story told by the woman who lived it. Mike has been going on and on about it. Gonna start the read this evening. From what he’s told me it sounds like the story is right up my alley.
I also hit the ol’ level 60 in the World that is Warcraft. I bought me a new kitty. Actually I bought the little fella several levels back. My first kitty runs 60 percent faster than running on foot. This new white kitty runs 200 percent faster. It cost 900 gold so my days of spending money like a king are coming to an end as I’m down to my last 400. In game I haven’t exactly broadcasted my new ownership of a white kitty. They’re pretty rare as 900 gold is hard to come by. But I’ve been lucky. Actually, Purity (Mel), Primo (Dean), we’ve all three been lucky with gold. We’ve made way more than most ever dreamed was possible.
But we’ve never been stingy with it. So I don’t feel bad spending it on ourselves the way we do. We’ve helped several others in-game buy their first steeds. I’ve made tons of leather armor for guildies…and most of the time at my own expense. Purity (Mel) has done the same with her weaponsmithing. Primo (Dean) with his alchemy. While others were out leveling up…we were out making money. Hey, it’s good to be king.
Niles has been sending over artwork by assorted talent for Jane and I to consider for our little Graphic Novel. I’m very excited about this little project. There’s no money up front though. I will only see money if the Graphic is successful and/if we get a movie gig out of it (which I’m attached to write).
But with so many development projects I do for free (hoping to eventually reach the point when someone eventually writes a check), well, you can’t ask for one to have been more fun to work on than this one.
We took Benita and Fessa to the lovely Scarlet Monastery and tore through the joint killing everything. Now Benita and Fessa aren’t noobs. They both have other characters that have reached the level 60 mark. But it was fun.
Mr. Washer and Ms. O’Brien are slated to wed June 11th. Unfortunately that’s the date our Farmer sibling vacation is supposed to start. So I’ve put a call in to a couple of the sibs. Gonna see if I can shift the dates around. We’re heading East anyway so we should be able to pull it all together.
So, “The Stand” is gonna get it’s own website. Jeremy and Tom who play Mandala and Ladbury from WoW are going to run and set up the site and have already gotten it underway. Today the Sexy Olga agreed to do the design. She said she’s been turning down work but the idea of doing a site for silly game guild made her laugh. I’m very excited. We will have the most amazing guild site on the net. No doubts. I’ll post the address once we’re ready to go live.
So, Scarecrow’s production draft is nearly finished and pre-production is underway. It starts shooting this month. I’ve no clue on cast or any of the fun details as I’m only the writer, one with little more power than the fella who plunges the giganto-turds from the 7-Eleven toilet on Hollywood and Vine.
As for now, it’s time to catch up on some TiVo then start reading my little ghost story.
Be safe, lovers.