
Dinky Dean Riesner

Dean’s father was a silent film director. Chaplin, Keaton, he knew and hung with that crowd. Dean even acted as a child in a Chaplin film. He refered to Charles as “Uncle Charlie” and acted as “Dinky” Dean.
I spoke with Sean just now and he finally told me what he knew. Dean passed away in his sleep. Chuck Simon, a producer who worked with us on “Full Moon Dick”, was living with Dean . Chuck and his trusty SPCA canine were making their morning trip down the hall to wake Dean when the dog suddenly stopped cold. Chuck said he knew immediatly.
He found Dean sideways on the bed with his legs hanging off…as if he were about to get up. And in typical Dean Riesner fashion…he was wearing a pair of leapard skin briefs. Chuck said that he looked very peaceful. Chuck called Sean who showed up with his girlfriend and Chris (his former assistant).
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