
Vampira and What’s-her-name

Well, Maila is a class freaking act.
She got no love for Tim Burton and she is so like Riesner I nearly teared up a dozen times. She refers to him as “Dink”. She told stories about their whirlwind love affair. He’s the guy who came up with the name “Vampira”. She says when she hit it big and started hanging out with Brando and James Dean that he wasn’t into the party scene. He stayed home.
She says she never cheated on him but that he cheated on her. But she grinned when she said it so I’m guessing they cheating on each other.
She said she came in at 3 AM one morning and found him waiting up. He asked her why she bothered putting her clothes back on. She punched him and he chased her with a knife. She ran out barefoot and never went back.
She and he stayed in touch over the years but she was under the assumption that was was piss pot poor. I didn’t tell her differently.
The bottom line is, Maila is wonderful. She has a website, Vampira’s Attic, where you can buy odds and ends from her past, artwork, signed photos and the like.
I also just spoke with Chris Torres (Sean’s assistant). She told a slightly different story of finding Dean’s body. Chris is a former New York DA who moved out here to write for crime drama TV but has yet to get her big break. So she’s slumming it at Sean’s.
She said the whole morning of Dean’s death was a mess. Once they got there she wanted to call the police. Sean was devistated and couldn’t function. Chuck was in a daze. Sean’s girlfriend made a b-line into Dean’s office and started searching for his will. Then what’s-her-name found the will and went through the roof. She was pissed off that Sean’s Ex-wife was not only mentioned but that she was getting more than Sean. And evidently Sean’s girlfriend wasn’t mentioned. Chris said it was disgusting.
I spoke with Noel and Jess and Chuck and Chris and it seems Sean is blind or can only see out of his penis. His girlfriend had evidently been playing Riesner for over a year. She ran Susan off and she ran Mel off. Susan said she’d schedule a time to visit Dean and then the girlfriend would suddenly show up. Susan would get uncomfortable and leave. The Girlfriend became the only woman in his life. Giving him massages and pedicures. Mystery may be solved.
It’s a bit disturbing but I know Riesner. I bet you a billion dollars wherever he’s at right now he’s staring down here laughing his ass off.