Probably my favorite of the E3 Exhibits. Melanie played City of Villains and destroyed the opposing team without any help from her teammates (I assumed because her teammates hadn’t played City of Heroes and had no clue what they were doing). In my opinion EverQuest II looked less than impressive. There’s a new Thief coming and an new Vampire Masquarade. Half Life II looked sweet as always but you could only see Doom III on a console so it wasn’t impressive. The gaming industry is clearly a giant. We had a blast.
I met Bergantino early and introduced him to the Tiger Hill players. Perhaps they can find some work together. Then Tiger and I hit Majesco where we pitched Sony the Demonik game. Majesco is our publisher so I wasn’t sure why we were pitching Sony at first, then it was explained that it had something to do with the Playstation.
The meeting went just fine. It wasn’t my best pitch of the little Demonik. There was a tornado of sound whirring in the background and the female Brit we were pitching seemed disinterested the moment we got there. She seemed slightly uptight. It would have been nice to take a moment for introductions…I wasn’t even sure who the power was. It’s always good to know the power. That’s who you pitch. Pitching is a performance. The whole meeting was a little wonky.
I had another meeting back at the E3 this morning but since it was a general meeting I was allowed escape. Would have been fun to return but I’m gonna racquetball Dean instead. Legs are stiff. He may have the advantage again. And I’d moved my training session because of the meeting so it’s tonight instead.
Three days of weights, four days cardio and toss in three or four racqetballs. I’m not only getting back in shape…I’m getting huge.