Well, looks like World of Warcraft has won. It’s just all around better. Sure it has it’s glitches and cons. Targeting is a nightmare and keeping a group healed is horrid since your spell buttons are on bottom of the screen and the group listing is on top but, it makes up for the cons in many other ways.
Started a Night Elf Druid by the name of Shepherd. I’m just really sick of being the Cleric or the Priest or the guy who’s job it is to keep everyone else alive therefore making sure everyone else is having fun — meanwhile I can’t solo a rabbit without nearly dying. So I went druid. The downside? My hometown is on the North side of an island North of the continent of Kalimdor. Mel and Dean were in the city of Ironforge in the middle of the continent of Azeroth.
I stopped and asked directions, cuz I’m not afraid to do that, then at the ripe old age of level five, I started a journey that was sure to promise much death.
I ran to the City of Darnasus on the Northern side of the island. A city guarded by giant walking trees.
Lucky for me, Druids are treehuggers.
Then I had to take the Griffin to Arbordine. So much better than EQ Griffins.
More colorful and faster. I’m wondering if you can jump off but I was too sceered to try.
Then I had to take a boat from the Continent of Kalimdor to the Continent of Azeroth.
Once there I had to make the run on foot to the Dwarven city of Ironforge. You can’t take a Griffin until you’ve met the Griffin Master. So that means run first, fly later. It was a lonnnng run. And at level five I died…it seemed like ever 60 seconds. But every death got me a little closer. So eventually I made it.
And joined forces will Mel and Dean.
Course anytime I level I gotta make the journey all the way home to train and learn new spells but the birds and boats make traveling a bit easier.
And obviously I don’t mind flying.
Had a huge Thanksgiving with the Loreys but I left my camera there so more to come when I can add visual stimulation.
Oh, yeah, and I finally got a picture of “Out of the Woods” the Don Maitz painting featuring Chris and Alex…course this one is way too small. I need a huge one and I’ll just link to it. Small just doesn’t do it justice.
1 reply on “Night Elf”
Your journal is kicking my journals butt right now. I have been so engrossed, I haven’t even taken screen shots!!