

At a time when one tries to ignore the simple fact of aging, oddly enough that seems to be the perfect time to have college and high school reunions. I’ve received some emails from ancient college and high school friends concerning both. I’ll get all the required information and then depending on current schedules we’ll see where we stand. That’s a polite way of saying I probably won’t attend either. But the world and my moods are ever changing so who knows.
That’s me in the goofy shorts and full head of hair. Solomon on drums, Fortner and Filbeck on guitar…who was the guy on bass? Name’s on the tip of my brain. If I had a high school annual I’d thumb through it, but I burned all my old high school and college annuals years ago during a witchcraftian evening of sacrifice to the Angels of Career Advancement. If you’re horrified get over it. Not only did my career not advance, now I don’t got any annuals. Mark? Mark something? Eh, I can’t remember. Anyway, Solomon I assume took over the family car lot. And I used his name in The Messengers for what it’s worth. Fortner was working with pharmaceutical companies last I heard. Filbeck’s a doctor I think. And as for the forgotten named bass player, I’ve no clue where he ended up. Eh…moving on.
Currently I am stealth typing. Young Izzie Rain is catatonic behind me. One rule we try to maintain in the Farmer house is to never let life get in the way of a good walk along the ocean. We walk the two miles to Starbucks every day. What the walk points out is the massive Baby Boom that’s underway. We pass several dozen strollers, wraps and Bjorns on our journey. We wonder how many of those newly arrived infants are of the Cylon race and will one day join young Izzie Rain in the coming Civil War. Once the evolutionarily advanced leadership is in place, Mel and I are hopeful that we will be looked upon favorably for our part in raising the future Amazon Queen of America 2.0. Then again, we may simply be fracked.
I had a meeting with JR and Rob Tapert at Ghost House last week. They made “The Messengers” but this was the first time I’d met either. As a matter of fact, until recently, they’d never even read my draft. Which I should boastfully mention, they seemed to dig. We discussed some ideas and may join forces down the road.
Development on the TV pilot with Binderspink continues. I’m preparing a pitch for the film version of a Marvel comic and after more moons than I can count, I’m told the Psychopath deal is nearly finished. I’m currently working on the last issue of Lycan and am awaiting notes on a spec I finished last week.
Above is William Stout’s cover for “Alien Pig Farm 3000” Issue #3. Issue #1 hits the shelves next month. The above issue hits in June. Of course, I hope people like it and respond favorably, but selfishly I hope it turns into a giant franchise leading to billions of dollars and the purchase of a house with a big Izzie Rain approved back yard.
And this is Mark Schultz’s cover of Issue #4 which will close out the series. No clue how the pre-orders are stacking up so I’ve no idea if the series will be a success or not but regardless it was a joy to work on. Which is probably why I was so quick to jump on the Lycan series.
Alrighty, I’ve rambled on long enough. I’ve more work to do than time to do it. Love and kisses.