
Status Quo update

It’s been nearly a month so let’s play catch up.
I didnt get The Mask II. I’m told they passed on all three pitches. So, thats the end of that.
Made yet another pass through “Riddle Me This”. Lockett is now the killer. It works. I suppose it works far better than any other pass, although I was reluctant to take a happy ending and turn it into something darker. Both Dean and Mark read it and again signed off on it, but then they signed off on it drafts ago.
I spoke with Nicole. She was excited but seemed perhaps a little surprised that I’d made a pass without checking with her first. They got the copy Friday morning so I’m hoping to hear from her Monday with her thoughts, although I’m not holding my breath. Please, God, let it go out this time. I don’t think my sanity can handle another rewrite of the ending.
As for “Full Moon Dick”. Sci-fi East and West read it some three weeks ago and we are awaiting word from the lady at the top. We are also waiting to hear from Bruce Campbell. He’d agreed to read it without an up front offer, which I’m told is a good thing. He and Sci-fi would be a great combo.
Dean has taken a job working on Damon Wayans show “My Wife and Kids” as writer/producer. He structured an impossible deal. He’s only required to work on 11 episodes with an option to leave before the back nine if he desires. “Full Moon Dick” was also listed in first position thus if it goes forward and he so chooses then he can leave “My Wife and Kids” in order to run FMD.
My insurance was cancelled on the 1st. I made 14K and I needed to have made 17K. Doesnt matter what I made the year before, you gotta qualify every year. Bummer.
Riesner’s been sending Mel Love letters again. Old bastard would have me killed if he knew who to call. We’ve had lunch a few times this month and he started pulling out his WGA checks again. The old fart loves to boast about how much money he’s got and I don’t. But don’t get any of this wrong…we’re pretty fond of each other.
Jim Isaac is up for two movies: “Final Destination II” and a movie called “Wrong Turn”. Sort of a remake of Deliverance with teens. Both sets of producers went to New Line last week for a screening of Jason X in order to check out Jimmy’s latest work.
David Handman (Jason X’s editor and friend) says he took a horrible job. Worse than his “Carnival of Souls” job. He took it for the money but would really like to move on to better stuff.