The phone kept ringing this morning. It was early. After about the third call I climbed out of bed and checked the messages. The first was from Blake Washer, webmaster of He simply said, “If you haven’t turned on the TV you need to do it now.” The second message was from Mel’s mom. She told of the plane flying into one of the towers.
Mel and I flicked on the TV and watched the first tower burn. We saw the second plane hit. We saw the towers fall. It’s the strangest feeling I’ve ever experienced. I’m numb.
I called Dean but he wasn’t home. Later I found out he’d driven out to meet Damon for a game of golf. Dean had no clue about what had happened. Damon tried to call him to cancel but Dean had already left. So Damon drove out to meet him and told him what had happened. Of course, Dean didn’t believe him at first…not unlike Damon to crack an off-color joke or two…but this time it was real.
Today Sarah and Natalie came over and the four of us went to the mall and walked around like zombies. I think we all cried. Right there in the food court. No one cared. Others were crying too.
The world will change. America will stand together. Differences will be forgotten for some time before fingers start getting pointed. Tomorrow I’m going to go buy a flag.