
Vampira is my friend

I can’t believe I found her. I went to the Micky D’s and stood in the parking lot for ten minutes staring at the near apartments trying to decide if any of them looked suitable for a Hollywood Vamp. Truth is…they were all shitholes. Not a great part of town.
I went in and started asking the workers if they had ever heard of her. Most of them, being younger than myself, had never even heard the name and thought I was nuts. But some goth dude in his late forties was scarfing down a quarter pounder and overhead me talking to the manager. He told me that he had recently seen her name on an autograph site. Basically you send cash and she returns an autograph.
I rushed home and hit the site. Sure enough there was an email. I wrote an eloquent letter explaining Dean’s passing and their relationship. Within a couple of hours a polite fella out of Chicago replied. He told me that he snail mails Maila a couple of times a week and handles her internet stuff for her. She doesn’t have a phone, nor email, nor any other way of contact. He was however willing to give me her address.
I drove to the address. It was a block from the Micky D’s I visted earlier. I knocked and a round woman decended the stairs. Beautiful eyes. And I could see the young Vampira benath the years.
We sat on the stoop and I told her about Dean’s passing. She cried. Later she told me that she wasn’t crying about Dean but that she had an eye infection.
Funny old broad. I can see why they married. They are both grumpy old bastards. What a wonderful woman. I promised to vist her tomorrow and to take her to and from the service.