
Alisal Ranch

We survived. 10,000 acres and 120 horses.
We rode for three hours twice a day.
I had a blast and Mel loved it. But then, she’s always loved horses.
I think I’m gonna end up getting her one. It may not be a choice. Guess we could keep it on the deck.
Sci-Fi tomorrow morning. The Guild and Producers go back in for talks June 1st so if a strike’s gonna happen it won’t happen for at least a couple of weeks into June. That gives me three weeks to finish this next pass…if the notes aren’t too out there.
Depending on the notes I could turn it around in a week. But I’m not sure what the point would be. They would have to then read and get back to me asap for me to churn out a second draft. Two drafts in three weeks? Piece of pie. Easy as cake. But it’s been over a month since I turned in the outline. Turnaround would need to improve greatly.
Still if the notes are challenging then three weeks is tight. The others may have to break a sweat on this one. Michael, Frank, Gerry, they may find themselves on the research staff. Gut tells me I know one of Sci-Fi’s notes going in. They’re gonna want more Vampire lore turned on its head. Gonna have to fall back on Whit for that. He’s already thought all this stuff through. No reason for me to play know-it-all.
All very doable. Very exciting. Can’t wait to see what happens when I get there. It’s alot like Vegas except the odds are harder to call.