
The Draft Begins

I had my SciFi conference call with Jerry and Michael from Cypress and Nora and Eric from SciFi as well as Whitley who sounded like he was on a cell phone in transit. There really hasn’t been any true pressure from SciFi. Creatively they seem very supportive and open to any and every suggestion. The more off the wall the better. I think they really “want” something unexpected. However, that said, their biggest concern is logic. I can go as far as I want but I’d better make sure it’s believable. Of course, believability is an opinion. Mel believes in UFOs and Bigfoot…I’m still looking for proof I can taste or touch. The key will be making it believable for them. Not easy unless you can read minds…which I don’t believe in. Thus the draft begins.
I haven’t started it yet though. Not sure why I do this, perhaps I’m not the only one, but I like or even need to digest for a few days before I start the process. When I start writing I like to disappear into my cave and not come out until I’m done. It’s like a build up of energy I guess is the best way to describe it. I want to start. I’m excited to get back into the script. But the longer I wait the more the excitement builds. Hmm, not unlike really good sex.
So, I’ll dive into it within the next couple of days.
Dean’s nearly finished with his pass on Thunder and I love it. After a quick clean up pass with “make it even better” in mind we should be ready to shoot drafts to ICM and William Morris.
Patrick and I go into Universal on the 3rd to pitch Narcosis to Dylan Clark. Glenn Williamson will be going with us as our producer. We pitched Glenn months ago and with him pitched both Focus (who passed frightened off by the possible big budget) and Paramount (who still refuse to either pass or buy — either have your bowel movement or get off the pot). Patrick and I have both said we’d just write the thing and spec it but one more pitch won’t hurt. Plus I’m 30 pages into the spec draft so no worries really.
David Wohl sent me an artist drawing of Volwrath from Demonik. Wow. I’ve been playing video games since Pong and I’ve never played a character who will look like this one. Can’t add the pic to a public arena though. All still very top secret.
Thus I’ll turn my excitement to the following:
Doom 3.jpg
Less than two weeks and counting!!! Sorry SciFi. I clearly won’t be writing 12 hours a day as I’ve done in the past. I will have evil to kill.
Brenna showed up at the forum and requested more kittens. Thus:
This is Bugsy. He’s no kitten but he has the mind of a kitten. He reminds me of Arty from “What’s Eating Gilbert Grape”. In other words, Bugsy is slightly tarded. Recently his new favorite game is taking a poofah in my bathroom floor — three feet shy of the cat box. Not Mel’s bathroom, mind you, my bathroom. I’d like to think he’s not as tarded as he seems.
And finally the City of Heroes must be overrun by crime. Dean’s been working on Thunder…I’ve been playing catch up in anticipation of disappearing into SciFi and Mel’s been both under the weather and now her puter is sitting crashed in the floor awaiting a hard drive from Gateway. Evil is winning.
But the newest patch offered the ability to buy a second heroic outfit. So Blueduck has a new look. I can go back and forth at will.
Hopefully over the next few weeks we can all get caught up and return to the game.