
Weeds are flowers too once you get to know them

Kendra and Rikki had a visit from Arinne and Tim. The four of them took a drive to a natural bridge an hour from Lexington.
Mel’s been talking Christmas trip so we may head back to Kentucky/Tennessee to celebrate the birth of baby Jesus. Then I was thinking southern food makes California food taste like corpse, so maybe we should go back for Thanksgiving instead. Of course, we normally dine with the Loreys who escape the corpse curse due to the simple fact that they come here from Georgia. But I’ve been thinking about the south myself and I’ve got some time on my hands at the moment…maybe now’s the time to go. Or maybe next year.
Arinne’s latest email says I should be nice to dad. Bummer. I just got used to being mean to him.
Next we define the emotions of outward joy and inward horror.
Notice the smile that says, “That’s right, I’m driving a Jag.” The confidence…even borderline arrogance that occurs as the right hand stays firmly gripped on the wheel and the left hand waves…you can almost hear the words, “Look, I can drive and wave at the same time…and I look sexy behind the wheel of a Jag. Date me.” This is the picture of Outward Joy.
Notice the flexed jaw muscles, the pursed lips, the slight rise in stature from the overly tightened buttocks. We call this a text book example of Inward Horror.
Yesterday Mel and I took our walk into nature.
We’re an hour from LA and that makes getting to and from a meeting something of a chore but it sure does seem worth it to me.
At noon-thirty today several people around the world suddenly had the subconscious thought, “Jump Todd”. But I didn’t.
This is where we live. A neighborhood built on the edge of a wilderness. It wows me.
I love my car and I can’t live without my computers but this is far more beautiful and unfortunately won’t last as long because one day, someone will cut it down to pour some asphalt.
A couple of miles into our hike we discovered we were on no trespassing land. Oops. We did not turn back. We kept going.
But we started sneaking. Just in case.
Today I will do everything in my power to make Dean’s drive to work entertaining. I will follow up with Chris concerning my and Patrick’s Graphic Novel adventures. I’ll check with Goldstein concerning “Last Vamp’s” turnaround and a couple other ventures we’re pursuing. I’ll check in with Tiger Hill on “Psychopath” and “Demonik”. I’ll chat with Mark about his latest draft of “Last House”. I’ll check in with Whitley concerning Anne’s recovery. I’ll hunker down and see what sort of story I can put together for “Necroscope” in preparation for Wednesday’s meeting. If time allows I might read “Past Tense” and see if I can find a smoother last half. Today will be a busy day.
But the night, as every night is out here, will prove to be stunning.

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