
Well, I’m glad I ain’t scared to be lazy.

A nice spoiler free article in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette about MBV3D with quotes from producer, Jack Murray and a new pic of The Ackles for all those on Team Jensen.

Izzie Rain walks. First a disclaimer. Her mother didn’t dress her. It was chilly at the Cannery Row so I snatched a backup tie-dye from under the Bugaboo. I thought I would get points for layering. Apparently not. But that don’t matter. The creature hath walked. Her journey to full cylon awareness is almost complete. Sure she took her sweet time but we ain’t exactly been pushing her. Sort of figured she’d get around to it when she was ready. And go figger. She did. We never had practice walking sessions. We play, we sing, we dance. We watch Backyardigans and Yo Gabba Gabba. We let her climb. And we let her fall. And kiss the booboo if it comes to that. Most of the time falling just pisses her off and she immediately climbs back up. That’s my girl. Fact is, I’m pretty happy.
Of course, I can’t wait for the revolution, the day the people take a stand against the corporate machine by downing all forms of communication and electric power, forcing all to return to the spiked club and the campfire so that I can just chill out with the girls. But until then…I got a lot of work to do. Too much work to do. Of the top of my head there are twelve. Four are pressing and screaming for attention. Monkey’s Paw, Angeles, Devil’s Raiders, Argonauts. I write these down so that 20 years from now I can refer back to this journal and show my daughter what I was doing while she grew up.
Speaking of growing up. I guess I’ll never get over the small fact that my little brother is “doing it”. But evidently he is. Because he and his lovely wife gave birth to Izzie Rain’s very first cousin, Skyler Jorn, 8 pounds 3 ounces. A size which both Mel and Izzie quickly proclaimed “sissy”. I said this earlier to my father who asked, “What’s that supposed to mean?” I replied, “You know, because Izzie was so big.” He had no clue. “Dad, Izzie was 11 lbs, 10 oz.” He did not understand the words that were coming out of my mouth. Nada. These are not the droids you’re looking for. Like a deer caught in the headlights. Elevator to the penthouse has been closed for repairs. Three cheers for paying attention.
But all in all, life is good. Messengers II wrapped. I’m hearing great things. Spoke with Martin, the director, today. He’s a couple weeks away from heading to LA to start cutting it together. MBV is nearing the finish line. Nothing but good news from the set. Spoke with Patrick several times since returning from Pittsburgh. Just this morning he mentioned a scene they shot and how awesome it went. Yup, life is good.
Which is most likely why someone sent me an email today which said simply, “Hey, have you seen the message boards at the imdb about you?”
Why no. I had not. Didn’t even know they existed. Thanks for the head’s up. I simply don’t know how I’ve managed to make it this far in life without the detailed love and support that the readers of the imdb have to offer. Why, let’s just take a moment to relive some of them.
by f-slocum (Sun Mar 19 2006 14:49:45)
“Face it the man is untalented,He just borrowed the ideas and stuff form video games and just put them inot his screipt for Jason X.proves how untalented he really is(there’s more but I’m not going to say it)I am giving Todd Farmer one mroe chance on Psychopath but if it sucks he should retire now and work at a gas station in Texas,cause that’s the only job he looks like he cna do.”
by bloody_axe_boy (Sat Feb 3 2007 15:59:31)
“John Carpenter should of never let this guy help him write his nexted movie, did any of you seen Jason X? yea…boring! lame! and just plane old sucky”
by Croc-O-Dyle (Sun Jan 27 2008 16:39:51)
“Not untalented – that only implies lack of talent. This scum is actually *antitalented* – he sucks even the tiniest potential of goodness out of anything that he approaches. He’s one of the many black holes of the industry. Fortunately, it’s a very small and insignificant black hole, no bigger than a hedgehog’s back orifice.”
That one’s my favorite. Scum. Hedgehog’s orifice. How proud I must be. Hey, Izzie Rain. come here. Read this. See how stupid it makes daddy look.
Eh, nevermind. I spend half my life looking stupid without any one else’s help.
Of course for every sun there is a moon. For every Vader there is a Kenobi. And there were those who said kind words and defended the black hole that is me. Thanks for that. I doubt you’ll ever find or see my thanks from my hidden little place in the web so I’m sending good thoughts and as a result perhaps your Venti Mocha will be spontaneously free tomorrow.
And to those of you that hate me. Eh, may your mocha be free too. Life’s tough enough without holding grudges. But you should know, not everyone hates me. There are, in fact, those that…well…love me. At least I think it’s love.
by myersfreak78 (Fri Jun 27 2003 12:56:32)
“Oh im so in love…”
by billyxix (Wed May 26 2004 06:15:22)
“I am in TOTAL agreement! I dunno if your a man or a woman, but I’m a guy, and he is my total type of guy I find incredibly hot!”
Smoke’em if you got’em I say. Thus, here’s one for the ladies…ahem…guys.

10 replies on “Well, I’m glad I ain’t scared to be lazy.”

Oh she’s adorable. Someday Izzy will appreciate that Daddy dressed up as Wendy. LOL Congrats on the new niece.
Those comments are harsh. I think alot of people don’t realize the hacking up that can happen between a writer’s writing of a script and it’s actual appearance on the big screen.
Hopefully MBV will show them all how wrong they were, right?

Perhaps he meant “hedgehog back office”? I mean “orifice” seems to be a bit out of his vocabulary reach.
What concerns me is…how does this guy know so much about a hedgehogs anus? Perhaps he has revealed his true area of expertise as well as his “residence”?

Reaper, I have decided that you are cool and as my close friends will tell you, I don’t think anybody is cool. But yeah, MBV is going to be good. Love it or hate it I am certainly very proud of my input, proud of how it’s turning out and proud of those pouring their hearts and minds into it. Never been able to say that before.
And hey, Melanie. Why are you such an awesome wife? :)

Todd can you be my life saver can you tell me if MBV is still filming my friend and I were planning to try and go down the past 2 weekends but family issues came about so we want to go down this weekend but we just want to make sure they are filming any help would be great!!

I am honored to be thought cool by one such as yourself. Thank you. :) I am, and my friends are, definitely looking forward to MBV. It sounds like everything has gone well with the filming. Do you think it’ll get any attention in any of the horror movie magazines before release? They seem to like to do stories on the special effects and I can imagine this film will have some fantastic FX. I don’t live anywhere near San Diego but I know Comic Con is a big deal, I wonder if there will be anything there for it?
I just hope it’s a big success for everyone involved, because it seems like everyone put their heart into it and it would be nice to see it rewarded with a great “end product” and lots of positive attention.

My name is Marla Reed, I am a freelance journalist who writes for an number of online entertainment publications. I would love to give this movie some media attention
I live only 2 and 1/2 hours away from where the movie has been filming and I have been trying for WEEKS to get someone to come back to me on my interview request and not a single person in PR has gotten back to me.
I do see that the movie has gotten some negative PR on the IMDB boards from someone who was suppost to work on it. I hope the media hasn’t picked up on this yet. Since I don’t do tabloid style articles and always like to know what both sides of any issue are, I have not made any mention of this.

Hey, Marla,
Awesome! I too have gotten some negative PR on the IMDB boards! I’ve recently warmed to the opinion that your accomplishments are rather shabby until you’ve been referred to as the hoohoo end of a hedgehog on the IMDB forums.
I certainly don’t claim to be the smartest cookie in the Keebler tree so correct me if I misinterpreted your comment but are you saying if you don’t get an interview you will go public with the disgruntled helicopter pilot who’s of the opinion that the production spent more money than he considered necessary?

“I certainly don’t claim to be the smartest cookie in the Keebler tree so correct me if I misinterpreted your comment but are you saying if you don’t get an interview you will go public with the disgruntled helicopter pilot who’s of the opinion that the production spent more money than he considered necessary?”
Uhm no that’s not what I meant at all.
You said in a prior Post: “Do you think it’ll get any attention in any of the horror movie magazines before release? They seem to like to do stories on the special effects and I can imagine this film will have some fantastic FX.”
I took this to mean that you were worried that members of the press were ignoring the movie and I related that I was someone who had wanted to do coverage of it for the online publication I write for but didn’t seem to be able to get anyone to respond so maybe other reporters where having the same issue as I was and I just wanted to let you know that we are interested in giving the movie coverage that it deserves.
Then as a side note I pointed out that the movie had gotten some bad PR on the IMDB which I thought was a shame really and was hoping that no one had picked it up because the movie really deserves good press and not the first thing to hit the mainstream news be an article about disgruntled vendors calling the production ‘back stabbing’.
I am ethical journalist and I do not go in for tabloid style sensationalism like that and I was assuring you that you would never see anything written about this in my news site, especially based soley on the word of the pilot because for one I would not just go on one side of story and this just isn’t the kind of articles I write about.
I’m sorry the point I was trying to make got lost in translation somehow. My intent was to reassure you that as an entertainment journalist I was looking only to do postive and supportive promotional coverage of the movie and that I felt bad that it seemed while you were hoping for good press coverage for the movie, this kind of story was put out there for the press to possibly pick up on.
I am especially interested in interviewing you as the writer of the movie.
Who back in her day when she was trying to be an actress once auditoned for role in one of the Friday the 13th movies.

“You said in a prior Post: “Do you think it’ll get any attention in any of the horror movie magazines before release? They seem to like to do stories on the special effects and I can imagine this film will have some fantastic FX.””
Actually the above was written by Reaper. But no worries, Reaper and I are sometimes like twins in that we finish each other’s sentences and while on different sides of the continent will sometimes crave the same foods.
That said, Marla, more than happy to talk with you any time. In fact, I’ll email you so you’ll have my super secret email address.

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