Screening went good. Nicole said it was a million times better than she was expecting. She wasn’t impressed with the dialog though nor the music, but she knows all of my stuff was rewritten during the shoot.
Toby didn’t show but Stokely was there. She’s heading up the FvsJ development. Dean Lorey and I have a pretty good take. Jim Isaac’s going in to meet with Stokely about the directing gig and wants to take Dean and I to present our story. We’ll see. Not holding my breath.
Jason X screening…
Mel and I are going to the Jason X screening tonight at 7:30 at New Line. My newly acquired ICM agent, Nicole Clemens, will be there.
Invited Riesner to ride with us. I finished reading what he has on his western. It’s so good. His dialog is unbeatable and his characters are refreshingly old fashioned. You don’t see these characters in today’s movies…but then, this is the guy who wrote “Dirty Harry”.
It’s been a long day. Gonna call Dean and frag his butt in Quake II.
Riesner and I snuck out the back
Thought XCU needed some work. Dean Lorey stuck around to give Sean notes. I drove Dean Riesner home then returned. Sean didn’t seem interested in my comments.
Of course, when I got home I hadn’t taken the check out of the envelope. Mel said, “Well, you better open it and find out what’s wrong.” Written in tiny text across the check “void if over 2500”. As fate would have it, the check was, in fact, over 2,500. Went by my bank…they won’t take it. Sigh, it will be weeks before this is resolved.
I’m only angry because this is typical.
Extreem Close Up
Going to Sean Cunningham’s XCU screening tonight. That’s his “Real World with a serial killer” movie he shot for 500k. Dean Lorey and I are riding together. I will also pick up my check for the rewrite of “Full Moon Dick”.