
Whitley Strieber

Had my call with Whitley today and…heck it went great. We were bouncing ideas back and forth and I didn’t feel any ill will. He was great. And I honestly think we came up with some great additions. If I can win Sci-Fi over then this might actually be alot of fun.
Not only that, but this story has TV series written all over it. Granted it wouldn’t be a big Network show but I could run this show. And working at Sci-Fi would be a great way to get my feet wet and learn the bidness. Dean’s been working TV for several years now and I’m very drawn to both his income and his security. I’m gonna shoot for series if this thing moves forward.
Anyway the Sci-Fi meeting is Thursday but I gotta go in tomorrow to meet Mike’s boss. I take it he wants to hear what I’ve got and give me some pitching pointers.