
Let the Wookie Win

We spent Friday Night with the Loreys. No word yet from the directors who were sent Thunder. The script did go directly to Morgan Freeman and Quintin Tarantino rather than stopping at their agents as we assumed it would. Tarantino, we heard back from immediately. He only acts in movies written and/or directed by his friends or his own movies. Wasn’t aware of that. Considering the reply was immediate we gather he didn’t read the script. I assume the script then went to the next actor on the list. Freeman, we haven’t heard back from.
The weekend was spent working on Mass Destruction’s beat-outline. Patrick and I debated just about every possibility and settled on what we felt was the best approach for both Fox and for the movie as a whole. I shot my polish off to Patrick Monday morning and he in turn shot it to Josh. No word yet on Josh’s reaction.
Sunday night, I channel surfed between assorted shows and the Emmys. I was watching because Jim Vallely moved from My Wife and Kids to Arrested Development and Arrested was a good bet for best comedy. I was hoping to catch a glimpse of Jimmy if they won. They did win but I missed it. I later heard that Mitchell Hurwitz, Arrested’s Executive Producer, personally thanked Jimmy at the end of his speech. It was the sort of praise you rarely witness out here.
Monday afternoon I got Last Vamp notes from Michael and Jerry. Very basic notes…mostly type-o’s. There seems to be some concern about the option on the books being up either at the end of the month or this week. I’ve had conflicting stories. So I took Tuesday to give the girl a quick polish and shot the script to Michael yesterday afternoon. The process took Whitley a little by surprise since he was still working on notes for the previous draft. Michael and Whitley were supposed to give this latest draft a read last night and hopefully we’ll go to SciFi this week.
Tuesday, I took a long enough break from Last Vamp’s polish to go with Mel to the wonder that is Best Buy. We grabbed Hensleigh’s Punisher and the Star Wars set.
That afternoon the power blinked. This was bad. My marathon rewrite of Last Vamp was lost. Freaking Final Draft. The morons who created the program figured in their infinitely stupid wisdom that it would be a splendid idea to leave “autosave” off as a default. I bought XP Professional specifically because it has an autosave feature. Of course, I learned that the feature only autosaves Microsoft products. Freaking Microsoft. So, it was back to ground zero. It wasn’t difficult because I remembered all the changes as I got to them but it was time consuming and frustrating. Needless to say Final Draft is now set to autosave every three minutes.
That night I took a long enough break so that we could watch the premiere of My Wife and Kids. We thought it was a great season opener. Dean directed the episode and tells great stories but you’ll have to read those in his journal.
At this point both TiVos are working overtime. We have all the new shows plugged in. Our rule of thumb is harsh. You got one episode to prove your worth or you get the TiVo ax. Hawaii was the first TiVo casualty. SCI NY may be the next to go. Love Gary but the premiere was dull.
Wednesday, Devin dropped by on his way to school bringing gifts. He’d burned copies of the old game Curse of Monkey Island. I played the first two back in the DOS days but this one will be new to me. After shooting Last Vamp to the producers I crashed (I’d pulled an all-niter) so I missed Noel’s showing up. He and Mel have been wrestling the DMV for…4 years now? Anyway Noel bought a Jeep from us back when VHS’s were popular and he and Mel are still trying to get the thing transfered into his name. I was up when they returned so the three of us hung out. It was good to see him again.
Today I’ll slide back into Magnus. I’ve had to put it off longer than expected but I spoke with F.J. today and they are still enthusiastic.
Friday, I have my continually postponed meeting with Tiger Hill to discuss a new video game.
Mel has been great throughout these last few weeks of crazy busy. She’s kept the phone answered, food in front of me and distractions to a minimum. The wind caught our patio umbrella shattering the glass top. Mel handled it. When I lost pages to the power outage, she and Devin coordinated the shipment of a battery powered surge protector. When the Explorer needed service, she handled it. I haven’t written a check in 8 or 9 years. She pays the bills, manages the taxes…I’m actually starting to wonder what it is I do around here.
I’m looking forward to the Star Wars. When I was growing up and friends would come over the same question was always spoken, “Matchbox cars or Star Wars figures?” This was before Atari. This was back when Dungeons and Dragons was a game played in your mind and resulted in your crawling into the sewers to hack up your buddies with kitchen knives. Back when Tonka Trucks were made out of metal and playing with them resulted in a severed limbs 3 out of 10 times. Ah, nostalgia. I wish I still had all of those old Star Wars figures. I had them all. The Death Star, X-Wing, Land Speeder. I’d be an Ebay millionaire. Oh well. At least I’m pretty.