
How you doin’?

Olga finished the design for the Stand’s homepage. As always it’s amazing. She, Tom and Jeremy should have it up and running within a few weeks.
Haven’t been playing the game as much lately but it’s been a little busy around here. But, the guild is still growing. Braindead, Kyoushu and the Guilty as Sin crew has started joining us. We’re still not huge but pound for pound we have some of the best skilled players in the game. Quality counts for something you know.
Purity (Mel), Ravane (Ravane), Ladbury (Tom), Mandala (Jeremy) and myself started the Onyxia key quest series. This is a shot of us escorting a recently imprisoned hero to confront the fake mother of the King. It’s all very exciting in a geeky sort of you-had-to-be-there way.
I should have gone to New York with Dean and Jimmy. They left yesterday. Last night they painted New York with Richard Belzer and Gilbert Godfrey. I was planning on flying out today but life got in the way. It’s more headache than I am willing to get into at the moment.
Speaking of New York, I bought a painting. Suppose it’s time to start battling my bare walls.
Mel called it “really red”, Patrick called it “violent”. Bah on the both of you. I think it’s perty.
I love sushi. Not a fan of Octopus though. This is Young Yi. Good man, crazy insane with a big knife.
On the work front…eh…who cares.
Sarah emailed some pics of some paintings she did and since she loves reading about herself (:p) I will post them and talk about how brilliant and talented she is.
Sarah is brilliant.
Sarah is talented.
If you watch this movie it will make all of your dreams come true.
I would also suggest Spanglish. It’s a Jim Brooks movie and I can’t recall a bad Jim Brooks movie. I never saw it in the theatre because I simply thought it was an Adam Sandler flick. Nothing against Sandler, but I sort of have to be in the mood for him. But this isn’t a Sandler movie. This is James Brooks in all his glory.
I have renewed my lease and will stay in the Thousand Oaks for another six months. There are pros and cons but I really like it here. Been hanging out with people in the complex and that’s new for me. Coming from LA you tend to come home, enter your apartment and ignore those living on the other side of the walls. But that’s really not necessary in this area. People are friendly and open and no one wants anything from you.
I’m still a relative noob to the area and last week some of the guys took me out to show me the “hot” spots. Well, I suppose “hot” really is in the eye of the beholder but I guess I have nothing against a shady dive bar in the middle of nowhere.
The topic turned to girls as most topics do when two or more hairlegs gather at a watering hole. I’m not a glass half empty sort. I love the art of complaining for the sake of comedy but when a person truly complains…it crawls up my butt and becomes quickly thorny and irritating. They were complaining that there’s no good way to start up a conversation with girls. These guys were all mid-twenties to mid-thirties. How had they made it this far?
I told them to stop thinking about the bedroom and just go for the conversation. They stared at me like deer caught in the headlights.
I told them that this argument could possibly be made back before Bright/Kauffman/Crane, but not today. It’s just silly. We have Joey.
You simply approach, smile and in the best Tribbiani voice you can mimic you say, “How you doin’?”
You either get a laugh or confusion. Either way you get the answer you need. If it’s a laugh then this is someone worth talking to. If you get confusion, smile and walk away.
The boys gave it a try and sadly crashed and burned most of the time. So, perhaps confidence plays a part. I know attitude does. My attitude was simply that of being friendly. I can be rather big and intimidating from time to time so if I can come across friendly anyone can. But most guys, however, tend to be thinking of that one thing and that one thing will always glow like a beacon in the night and get in the way. Relax, take a breath and enjoy the conversation. It’s a lost art.
Basically I ended up breaking the ice and then introducing the young ladies to my new friends who nine times out of ten would immediately ask for a phone number and send the young lady fleeing. Sigh, I’ve much work to do.
As for talking to girls, no sweat but I guess that’s due to the fact that I’m not interested in girls. I’m currently researching homosexuality because I hear they have a great 401k.
As for now, I’m gonna take my book and go sit in the Hot Tub…and hope that none of the complex kids have peed in it within the last 48 hours. Wish me luck.