Made whoopie then watched Fireworks from the roof. We got a great view of downtown LA and you can see at least four different firework displays from our roof.
Mel and I are going to some pub to celebrate Dave Bergaintino’s birth. Dave’s a fella I met through Mark Haslett back at Sean’s. Dave came in with an idea to turn Friday the 13th into a video game. He kept saying that one day the video game industry would surpass the movie biz in money. That was four or five years ago. Wow was he right. I think they are pretty much head to head these days. Dave also came up with “Evil Gets an Upgrade” as the log line for a Jason X game. Course Sean and the boys used that for the movie and Dave didn’t see even a thank you. Figures.
Daddy’s computer
Tired of Father complaining about his slow computer so I pulled another 1-800-GATEWAY. Nothing fancy, just more up to date for him.
I had a great night’s sleep. But I’m still tired. Think I’ll go back to bed and sleep for a month.
Burgers and fire
Did the whole grilling thing over at the Loreys. It’s Labor day or Memorial Day or something. Anyway, Dean grilled burgers and sausages and we ate them.